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Business in China
It is one of our services which was established to help foreigners start their personal company in China without being there. Our specialists will take care of any question or problem on every step professionally. From the moment you contact us till your arrival to China there will be no barriers for your success.
The service fee includes:
- office rent
- company registration
- maintenance accounting records
- visa application
You are an owner of a company, hold working visa and don't do any paper work!
Low price Professional team Extensive experience
The price includes:
- execution of lease agreement for a separate real office due to register a company (depends on a city);
- receiving of a red book;
- company registration with 100% foreign investment;
- accounting services and report to a tax office during one year;
- receiving of work permit.
The documentation process:
1. a real office in Hangzhou city (Zhejiang province) or registration on owner's address depending on a city.
2. Service of Chinese company. After registration the company must
submit reports monthly to municipal tax office, and quarterly to state tax office, and once a year to both. Even if it doesn't perform activitiesб the reports must be submitted. We do this instead of you.
3. Documentation arrangement for getting of work permit.
Documents needed for getting work permit and residence permit:
- digital photo (2.5x3.5) with white background;
- higher education diploma (legalization);
- police certificate of criminal record check (legalized, or not if it was received in consulate on the territory of China);
- physical examination record.
We prepare all documents for registration of the company, one year visa and the company service for one year from the moment of registration.
Duration of company registration takes around 30 days.
We need your passport data and information about probable company (which company you want (type of business) to register in system).
Duration of receiving of work permit takes about 20 days.
For more detailed information contact us. Our managers are glad to assist and answer all your questions.

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