Money transfer
We can help you to transfer money from China to Ukraine or Russia exchanging to local currency. The transaction fees are:
- less than 1000 yuan - 10% per amount
- from 1001 to 5000 yuan - 7% per amount
- more than 5001 yuan - 5 % per amount
The transaction takes 5-10 minutes. We transfer money to bank card.
For further information, please, .
Visa application
If you meet a lot of problems and complications with visa issue, you can contact us to escape this. Our company provides tourist, business and student visas for those, who can't or don't want to apply for working visa.
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Documents legalization
Today working visa application in China requires providing of diploma and noncriminal record legalization. AlexTar company can help you with this too. We can legalize you documents very fast with the best quality of service.
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Physical examination form and recommendation letter
There are other documents that are necessary to provide for working visa. We can help you to apply for physical examination form and recommendation letter.
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Tickets and hotels
Travelling in China and around it sometimes can be a problem for those who don't speak Chinese. Foreign websites usually offer more expensive tickets and hotels around Asia than Chinese websites. That's why we want to help you in travelling issue. Do you need to go to another city in China? Do you want to spend holidays in Asian countries? Do you hope to save money and time? It's a pleasure for us to make all the things simple. Make your decision about destination, we will take care of other procedures.
For further information, please, .